INFP Careers
INFPs tend to be deeply creative and empathetic. They have many strengths, which allow them to thrive in many careers suited to these strengths.
In this article we’ll look at key career considerations for INFPs. We will explore how they can use their unique skills and personality to get the most of out their working life.
Overview of the INFP (The Healer)
Deeply creative and in-tune with emotions, the INFP expertly turns the human condition into exquisite pieces of art. Empathy is their middle name, as their understanding and appreciation for the spectrum of feelings spans far and wide. INFPs are typically sensitive, caring, compassionate and nonjudgemental. They enjoy exploring their own ideas, often encouraging others to do the same, and this often makes them creative and artistic.
The INFP personality is one of the “16 personality types” that we see in several different models based on the work of Carl Jung. These models include the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Keirsey Temperament Sorter, among others. It represents an individual who is Introverted (I), iNtuitive (N), Feeling (F) and Perceiving (P). This indicates that they are a person who is energized by spending time alone, who focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details, who makes decisions based on emotions and values, and who prefers to be spontaneous and flexible as opposed to planned and organized.
The INFP is often referred to as the “Healer”, “Mediator” or “Empath” because of their strong values system and deep compassion toward every individual. INFPs are typically creative, dreamy, quietly intense, and protective with their loved ones. They often have an artistic edge and work on passion projects in their free time, hence also earning the label “The Artist”.
Career Considerations
Many of an INFPs strengths lay in their compassion, protective nature and creativity. At work they bring key characteristics such as:
- Supportive. INFPs care deeply about others and are emotional attuned, calm and quiet.
- Creativity. INFPs are incredibly creative. They have a natural eye for beauty and aesthetics and implement this into their work.
- Mediating. INFPs have the intuitive understanding of how to defuse conflict.
- Patience. INFPs tend to be very calm and patient with others. As a result, they are able to build strong relationships with colleagues.
- INFPs are also careful and and attentive listeners.
- INFPs are loyal and will follow and organizations code of conduct.
Best Careers for INFPs
INFPs are not particularly driven by money, power or status. Instead, their quiet passion and personal values motivate and drive them. INFPs are calm and serene. Although they may appear distant to others, INFPs are incredibly aware of how others feel. They care greatly for others, relate well to them and want to help them solve personal conflicts. Due to this, careers in mental health, social work or psychology are likely to appeal to INFPs.
INFPs may seem reserved to those who do not know them all that well. However, they are incredibly creative. INFPs are likely to thrive in careers that allow them to solve creative problems, express individuality and allow them to find unique solutions to problems. Careers in art, fashion design, graphic design and filmmaking will all allow INFPs to demonstrate their creative flare.
INFPs can work alone and independently, or they can work as part of a team. Importantly, any teams that INFPs work in must be cooperative, supporting, flexible and have a similar passion.
Worst Careers for INFPs
Although INFPs care greatly about others and can thrive in supportive and passionate teams, they may want to consider avoiding careers where there is too much focus on teamwork and INFPs can’t spend time alone.
Other careers, such as ones in sales, law enforcement, the military or finance are likely to stress and drain INFPs. All of these careers can involve confrontation, conflict and social interactions, which are not best suited to the typical INFP.
Impact of the Identity Modifier on Career & Work life
As with all of the 16 personality types, INFPs will sit somewhere along the identity scale, which ranges from assertive to turbulent. This scale indicates how confident a person is in their own abilities and decisions and it triggers the way in which each type reacts to things.
INFP-A and INFP-T will express their shared features in different ways. Let’s take a look!
INFP-As tend to be positive and confident. They are motivated to reach goals and foster hope and encouragement. However, on occasion, this may hinder INFP-As, who may overlook and ignore problems or negatives. Similarly, INFP-As can sometimes appear to be rigid and uncaring as they do not pay too much attention to valuable feedback or perspectives of others.
Like all other turbulent types, INFP-Ts tend to be less confident than their assertive cousins. However, due to this, INFP-Ts tend to put in more effort than INTP-As – but this does mean that they may sometimes be overly hard on themselves.
INFP-Ts also tend to feel negative emotions to a greater extent than INFP-As. However, at work this increases their levels of empathy and ability to understand others. Their high regard for the opinions of others also tend to make INFP-Ts excellent listeners and team players.