Research Director, Joint Committee On Transportation, Massachusetts House Of Representatives
(Female, Age 29) from Quincy, MA
This is a REAL-LIFE job profile written by a Female aged 29 who works as a Research Director, Joint Committee On Transportation, Massachusetts House Of Representatives in Quincy, MA. We have removed all names and personal information in order to protect privacy. This professional kindly spent a bit of their time to complete one of our job profile surveys so that prospective job seekers like you could read their insights. Please excuse any punctuation or grammatical errors in this profile.
At a Glance
Current Job
Basic data on your current job
Job Title | Research Director, Joint Committee On Transportation, Massachusetts House Of Representatives |
Salary | $45,000 |
Other Compensation | None Set |
Hours/Week | 40 |
Company Size | (not answered) |
Location | Quincy, MA |
Years Experience | 2 months |
Career Ratings
Opinions on your CAREER overall (i.e. not just your current job)
Years in Career | 0 |
Education | (not answered) |
Income Rating | 0 / 10 |
Interest Rating | 0 / 10 |
Work-Life Rating | 0 / 10 |
Fulfilment Rating | 0 / 10 |
Current job Q&A
Describe the type of organization you work for.
I work at the State House in Boston, MA. There are approximately 2000 people that work within the building and for the legislature (both the House and Senate branches).
Describe your job role and responsibilities.
I am responsible for all legislation referred to the Joint Committee on Transportation (bills filed in both the House and Senate). I schedule and hold hearings on these bills, collect testimony, author press releases, send emails, arrange press conferences and press events, attend meetings, answer questions, and track transportation budget line items.
Please list an additional benefits (beyond compensation) that you receive.
3 weeks vacation (after 5 years of service), 1.25 paid sick days per month, private health insurance 30/70 split, 10% mandatory pay into pension (retirement fund) account
Do you feel you are under/over or well/fairly compensated at your current position?
Does your job entail you working with others on a daily basis? Is this something you like/dislike about your job? Please explain.
Yes, I work with people from all backgrounds/ages/education, and I tend to enjoy the diversity. I’m usually able to hear different points of view and learn from others. I appreciate the collegiality of my workplace.
Do you work collaboratively with supervisors/managers?
Do you work collaboratively with your co-workers?
Describe your work location (e.g., office, home, theatre, in the field) and what you like/dislike about working in it.
I spend about 95% of my work day in the building and at my desk, where I have access to my phone, computer, and work files. I share direct office space with one other person and share the greater office area with about 12 people. I like being able to chat with coworkers and have access to a wide range of resources, but wish I were able to spend more time working from home.
Please rate each of the following aspects of your current job on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest/best):
Income: 2
Benefits: 4
Hours: 3
Co-Workers: 1
Supervisors: 5
Job Title: 8
Level of Responsibility: 7
The Actual Work: 6
A day in the life of…
Please describe a typical workday for you in your current job:
5am to 6am | |
6am to 7am | |
7am to 8am | Wake up, get ready for work, eat breakfast, leave for the office. Check emails from overnight on blackberry. |
8am to 9am | Commute, pick up coffee at Dunkin Donuts, walk to office, arrive at desk. |
9am to 10am | Catch up on voicemails from overnight (if applicable), check and respond to email, review schedule for day, plan out daily to-do list. |
10am to 11am | Take snack break, short walk to pick up interoffice correspondence, continue with emails and phone calls as they come in. |
11am to 12pm | Usually have a meeting scheduled for 11am, today was relative to a particular bill before our committee naming a bridge for a WW2 veteran. |
12pm to 1pm | Work on scheduled projects at my desk, including making a list of bills by subject matter with designation and notes for hearings to be scheduled for the 2011-2012 legislative session (283 bills thus far). |
1pm to 2pm | Lunch. |
2pm to 3pm | Check in with Senate side of Committee on to-do list, booking events, drafting press releases on upcoming events, scheduling appointments with the Chairmen. Attend in-house events as required and relevant to job. Today was RMV day at the State House, so dropped in to pick up information and meet and greet. |
3pm to 4pm | Re-check (continuously check throughout the day) emails and voicemails if I have been away from my desk. Return calls, answer emails. Had a call today about distinctive license plates and how the state issues certain license plates (like the Fenway Park plate, the veterans plates, the Red Sox plate, etc.). Explained the process. Also had a call on how cities and towns find out how much Chapter 90 funds (transportation money to fix roads and bridges) they will receive and how the formula was created. Also had a call on why Hartford Insurance is not offered in Massachusetts. |
4pm to 5pm | Sort through incoming correspondence from the day and scan testimony and electronically file, as well as catch up on any unresolved work issues. |
5pm to 6pm | Wrap up and leave for home. |
6pm to 7pm | |
7pm to 8pm | |
8pm to 9pm | |
9pm to 10pm | |
10pm to 11pm | |
11pm to 12am |
Table of Contents
How you got your job
How did you get your current job?
Referral from a coworker
What was the application process?
Resume and interview and personal and professional references
Did you have to interview for your current job? If yes, what did the interview process entail?
Yes. I had a screening interview and then an interview with the legislator one-on-one.
If you can remember, what questions were you asked during the interview?
Why do you think you are the best candidate for the job? How would you handle an emergency on the job? How would you handle a press call on the emergency? Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Do you feel your employer properly prepared you for your job? Explain.
I think there is a lot of benefit to learning as you go. I don’t know how much you can be prepared to deal with crisis type current events but the more experience you have, the better you get at dealing with things. Learning from coworkers and learning from experience is the best training you can receive.
Was there training for your current position? If yes, what did it entail?
Not really. There is new hire orientation when you enter the building, which is helpful and then you basically learn as you go.
Do you feel your educational background prepared you for your job? Explain.
I think learning how to become a good writer and how to properly manage your time are invaluable skills. Having had to write 3 theses made me well versed in both time management and writing skills and for that, I’m grateful.
If applicable, do you feel your internship experience helped you prepare for your job?
If someone wanted to go about getting a job similar to yours, what would you recommend for him or her to do?
It is an advantage to have a college degree, if not also a Master’s degree or law degree. I would not underestimate the power of networking. Many of my coworkers have gotten a job by first working as an intern.
What skills do you think a person should have if they want to pursue a position like yours?
I think impeccable social skills are key. You have to be confident in your position and yourself and have professionalism when interacting with others. Computer knowledge is an asset. It helps to be detail-oriented and organized, and to be proactive.
Do you feel that you need a certain level of education or training to be successful in your job?
Not necessarily, but the more education you receive, the better in my opinion.
What advice would you give to someone who was about to start work in your position/ line of work?
Be brave and be careful. It’s politics so you always have to monitor what you say and to whom you share information. If you write an email, there’s a record forever. If you pose for a photo, there’s a record forever. Sometimes that’s good, sometimes it’s not, so be polite but never reveal too much. Stay true to your promises, be dependable. People will remember you in a good way if you are true to your word and follow through.
Long-term career plans
Is your current employment part of your overall career plan? Why or why not?
I would be lying if I said it was part of my planned career plan, but now that I’m employed in this position, I’m quite happy and hope that it leads to new offers of employment in the future. I think it’s a step in the right direction.
What are your current career goals?
Network my way into ultimately receiving a much higher-paying position.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your career?
Prior work history
Please list your most recent jobs prior to this current job:
Title | Length | Salary | Description | |
Prior Job 1 | Research Director, Joint committee on environment, natural resources and agriculture | 2 years | 37595 | _?? Make all policy recommendations on 300+ bills to Committee of six State Senators and nine State Representatives.
_?? Successful in attaining passage of legislation establishing a Massachusetts Food Policy Council, regulating off-highway and recreation vehicles, further preventing oil spills in Buzzards Bay, and more than 20 other Committee bills. _?? Oversee environmental line items and amendments to the state budgets, author environmental budget highlights report. _?? Write and distribute information and resources on behalf of the Committee to legislators, the public, and the media. |
Prior Job 2 | State Government | 2.5 years | 37595 | _?? Coordinated public hearings and executive sessions; researched, analyzed, tracked, and authored 200+ bill summaries.
_?? Maintained working knowledge of $1.4 billion public safety budget, tracked status of budget amendments through House and Senate floor debate, and answered legislative questions about line-item funding. _?? Instrumental in establishing new state 911 department, including resolution of issues related to VoIP protocols, pre-paid wireless phones and compliance with existing DTE regulations. _?? Helped create legislation to expand buffer zone restrictions around abortion clinics, upheld by state Supreme Court. |
Educational background
Please list your educational background:
High School GPA:4
GPA | School | Degree | |
College (Undergraduate) or Technical/Vocational |
3.25 | Dickinson | Environmental Studies, French |
Graduate or Professional (Masters or Doctorate) |
3.33 | Harvard | Sustainability and Environmental Management |
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