(Male, Age 23) from San Jose, CA
This is a REAL-LIFE job profile written by a Male aged 23 who works as a Accountant in San Jose, CA. We have removed all names and personal information in order to protect privacy. This professional kindly spent a bit of their time to complete one of our job profile surveys so that prospective job seekers like you could read their insights. Please excuse any punctuation or grammatical errors in this profile.
At a Glance
Current Job
Basic data on your current job
Job Title | Accountant |
Salary | $35,000 |
Other Compensation | None Set |
Hours/Week | |
Company Size | (not answered) |
Location | San Jose, CA |
Years Experience | 1 year |
Career Ratings
Opinions on your CAREER overall (i.e. not just your current job)
Years in Career | 0 |
Education | (not answered) |
Income Rating | 0 / 10 |
Interest Rating | 0 / 10 |
Work-Life Rating | 0 / 10 |
Fulfilment Rating | 0 / 10 |
Current job Q&A
Describe the type of organization you work for.
ebay. online business, dot-com, auction-based
Describe your job role and responsibilities.
accounting, accounts receivable/payable. debit/credtiing various entries and organizing main financial statements
Please list an additional benefits (beyond compensation) that you receive.
Do you feel you are under/over or well/fairly compensated at your current position?
well compensted
Does your job entail you working with others on a daily basis? Is this something you like/dislike about your job? Please explain.
work alone, sometimes with others though
Do you work collaboratively with supervisors/managers?
Do you work collaboratively with your co-workers?
Describe your work location (e.g., office, home, theatre, in the field) and what you like/dislike about working in it.
Office cublical, sometimes boring and lonely, other times busy and frustrating working alone.
Please rate each of the following aspects of your current job on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest/best):
Income: 1
Benefits: 4
Hours: 5
Co-Workers: 2
Supervisors: 3
Job Title: 8
Level of Responsibility: 7
The Actual Work: 6
A day in the life of…
Please describe a typical workday for you in your current job:
5am to 6am | |
6am to 7am | |
7am to 8am | Woke up and got into rush hour traffic. After arriving 10 minutes late, I got to my office and booted up the computer. After Windows started, I prepared to start Excel only to have it freeze. Then I had to call tech support to resolve the issue. |
8am to 9am | After getting the issue resolved, I started data entry on company worksheets. After finsihing entering data I had to create a chart out the data. I used Excel to create the charts, adjusted the colors and printed out the sheets. |
9am to 10am | After arriving at the meeting I presented and passed around the data sheets to each individual. I had a blown up chart with the printings for easier presentation purposes. |
10am to 11am | After the meeting I had go back to my desk. I had to complete a Powerpoint slideshow for a future presentation later in the day. I had to organize various data and pictures in order to complete the project. |
11am to 12pm | Before I had to present again, I had to meet with the office manager on computer/data issues that I had encountered eariler in the week. He said that the errors were done out of my cubical, but we later found out that it had come out of someone elses computer. |
12pm to 1pm | After resolving the error issue, I went out to lunch for an hour. |
1pm to 2pm | Coming back from lunch I had to resume the Powerpoint project. |
2pm to 3pm | |
3pm to 4pm | |
4pm to 5pm | |
5pm to 6pm | |
6pm to 7pm | |
7pm to 8pm | |
8pm to 9pm | |
9pm to 10pm | |
10pm to 11pm | |
11pm to 12am |
Table of Contents
How you got your job
How did you get your current job?
What was the application process?
oniine resume
Did you have to interview for your current job? If yes, what did the interview process entail?
yes, individual interview
If you can remember, what questions were you asked during the interview?
what are your strengths and weaknesses, tell me about yourself
Do you feel your employer properly prepared you for your job? Explain.
Yes, the training provided by the employer helped apply the concepts I learned in college to a real life job.
Was there training for your current position? If yes, what did it entail?
Yes there was, it invovled multiple software training programs and tutorials.
Do you feel your educational background prepared you for your job? Explain.
School helped me a little, but not as much as I had thought. Some stuff I learned in school was confusing untill I actually did hands on work later on.
If applicable, do you feel your internship experience helped you prepare for your job?
Had an internship, but skill learned did not apply to job.
If someone wanted to go about getting a job similar to yours, what would you recommend for him or her to do?
look for an internship, network with others
What skills do you think a person should have if they want to pursue a position like yours?
computer/techical skills. knowledge of mircosoft office products, like Excel, powerpoint, word, works, windows operating systems
Do you feel that you need a certain level of education or training to be successful in your job?
not really
What advice would you give to someone who was about to start work in your position/ line of work?
have good work ethic, work really hard and the right people will notice, things will come to you in the end
Long-term career plans
Is your current employment part of your overall career plan? Why or why not?
No, I plan on working my way up, gaining some experience, then transistioning to another job later on.
What are your current career goals?
To work my way up from an entry level to a higher posistion.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your career?
Prior work history
Please list your most recent jobs prior to this current job:
Title | Length | Salary | Description | |
Prior Job 1 | accountant | 1 year | 30000 | managing accounts receivable/payable, debit and credit of certain financial statements, assets and liabilites management |
Prior Job 2 | sales | 1 year | 6000 | sales, customer service, phone answering |
Educational background
Please list your educational background:
High School GPA:
GPA | School | Degree | |
College (Undergraduate) or Technical/Vocational |
2.6 | San Jose State | accounting |
Graduate or Professional (Masters or Doctorate) |
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