Interview Hound?s sole mission is to prepare you for the interview experience. Whether you are a recent college graduate going on your first interview or preparing for a graduate school interview or a mid-career professional seeking a change, we will provide you with the opportunity to practice and prepare as if you were on a real interview. Most people find interviewing to be a nerve-wracking experience, but it is a true skill that can be developed and strengthened through practice. Especially in this economy, the difference between landing the job or not is the difference in how well-prepared you are for the interview and how comfortably you communicate and connect with your interviewer.
Contact Martha Tait-Watkins, Interview Hound
Use this form to send a message to Martha Tait-Watkins, Interview Hound. Please note that The Career Project does not represent this organization and is only relaying your message to them as a convenience to both parties.