John Hotard, Hotard Associates

New York University Ph.D., Counseling / Applied Psychology The Johns Hopkins University M.S., Counseling Psychology
Description of Services

Whether you are looking for work, thinking of changing jobs, or feeling you are in the wrong industry entirely, you can immediately benefit from my decades of experience as both a psychologist and a career counselor at top universities (including NYU, Fordham, and Beijing International MBA), corporations, and consulting firms. You can apply the same successful methods I use to help thousands of people advance their own careers (with companies such as ESPN, Goldman Sachs, Google, JP Morgan, Time Warner, and many others). You may already know the core values that motivate you, and you may possess the necessary skills to move your career upwards. Now you need to translate what you know about yourself and what you have to offer the world and potential employers. You need to project your strongest and most enjoyable talents and skills into your everyday career world of clients, managers, and customers. People around you need to sense you not only talk the talk, but walk the walk too!

Contact John Hotard, Hotard Associates

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