Personality Types

How does your personality impact your career choice? Do certain jobs and careers better correlate to different personality types? Are there even such things as “personality types” for that matter, or just 8 billion different combinations of traits that are then impacted by changing states? Indeed, better understanding the topic of personality, and (more importantly) understanding your own personality will help you maximize your unique strengths and be aware of your shortcomings as it relates to choosing a career and then performing to your optimal ability.

The Strong Interest Inventory – The Ultimate Guide

The Strong Interest Inventory (SII®) is a career evaluation model that aims to help individuals identify which careers they are most well-suited for, based on the individual’s self-reported areas of interest.  Sometimes known as “RIASEC” for short, the model stands for its six overarching career themes: Realistic (R), Investigative (I), Artistic (A), Social (S), Enterprising (E), and Conventional (C)—the Holland Codes. The questionnaire typically takes 35–40 minutes to complete, and is administered and copyrighted by the Myers-Briggs Company. The model itself has undergone over 80 years of research and testing. The Strong Interest Inventory is strictly an assessment of career […]

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INFJ vs. INFP – Key Personality Type Differences

As the lovable, mystical and romantic idealists of the personality types, the INFJ and INFP share many characteristics in common. They are both sensitive to the arts, empathetic, interested in the human condition, kind-hearted, warm, and extremely creative. But how can we tell them apart? Or what if you’re still unsure sure if you are an INFJ or INFP? Let’s dive in and compare the INFJ vs. INFP personality types. Before we jump in, you should know this post is part of a series dedicated to answering the question: Am I a judging or perceiving personality type? Check out this

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INTJ vs. INTP – Key Personality Type Differences

The two introverted logical thinkers of the 16 personality types (the INTJ and INTP) share many attributes in common. They love to learn at their own pace, take pride in their accomplishments, and value deep understanding over popularity. But how can we tell them apart? Or better-yet, what if you aren’t sure if you are an INTJ or INTP? This article will compare the lookalike INTJ vs. INTP personality types. Before we jump in, you should know this post is part of a series dedicated to answering the question: Am I a judging or perceiving personality type? Check out the

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ISFJ vs. ISFP – Key Personality Type Differences

As the caring, empathetic, and emotionally-tuned pair of the 16 personality types, the ISFJ and ISFP share many characteristics at first glance. They have a support system they’ll trek mountains for, live with a dedicated purpose, and will happily offer assistance to people in need. But how can we tell them apart? Or better-yet, what if you aren’t sure if you are an ISFJ or ISFP? Let’s contrast the ISFJ vs. ISFP personality types and see what really sets the two personality types apart. Before we jump in, you should know this post is part of a series dedicated to

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ISTJ vs. ISTP – Key Personality Type Differences

As the down-to-earth, practical, and nimble personality types, the ISTJ and ISTP may be one letter apart—but they are as different as it gets! But how can we tell them apart? Or better-yet, what if you’re confused whether you are an ISTJ or ISTP? This article will compare the ISTJ vs. ISTP personality types in detail, according to their Jungian cognitive functions. Before we jump in, you should know this post is part of a series dedicated to answering the question: Am I a judging or perceiving personality type? Check out the first post on this topic. A High-Level View

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ESTJ vs. ESTP – Key Personality Type Differences

The ESTJ and ESTP are the two boldest and grounded of the 16 personality types. They are down-to-earth and make the most of each moment. If there’s an issue, both personality types will tackle it head-on and as quickly as possible. But how can we tell them apart? Or better-yet, what if you aren’t sure if you are an ESTJ or ESTP? This article will illustrate the differences between the ESTJ vs. ESTP personality types. Before we jump in, you should know this post is part of a series dedicated to answering the question: Am I a judging or perceiving

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ENTJ vs. ENTP – Key Personality Type Differences

As the beloved and ingenious extraverted intuitive thinkers of the 16 personality types, the ENTJ and ENTP make great leaders and mentors. They enjoy high-risk, high-reward activities in different ways, and lead with confidence. Wondering if you are an ENTJ or ENTP? This article will analyze the similarities and differences between these two personality types. Before we jump in, you might also want to check out this post: how to tell if you are a judging or perceiving type? A Quick Overview Both personality types are known to be particularly direct, outspoken, and assertive. Their major difference is that the

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ESFJ vs. ESFP – Key Personality Type Differences

As the fun-loving, people-oriented caretakers of the 16 personality types, the ESFJ and ESFP love lending a helping hand to people in need. They’re empathy-driven, down-to-earth, and often popular among their peers. But how can you tell them apart? This article will look at the similarities and differences, comparing ESFP vs. ESFJ. Before we jump in, you should know that this is one post in a series about understanding the differences between “Judging” and “Perceiving” personality types. A High-Level Summary ESFJs are more organized and strategic in their approach towards sustaining relationships, while ESFPs possess a more free-wheeling and spontaneous

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ENFJ vs. ENFP – Key Personality Type Differences

The extraverted intuitive feelers ENFJ and ENFP are the fun-loving, popular creative individuals of the 16 personality types. They both hold a deep appreciation for the growth of other people and how to better understand and care for others’ needs. But how can we tell them apart? Or better-yet, what if you aren’t sure if you are an ENFJ or ENFP? This article will compare and contrast the ENFP vs. ENFJ personality types. Before we jump in, you should know this post is part of a series dedicated to answering the question: Am I a judging or perceiving personality type?

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Judging or Perceiving

How Can You Tell If You’re a Judging or Perceiving Personality Type?

Having trouble identifying if you are a “Judging” or “Perceiving” type on a personality test? For many people, the distinction between the “J” and “P” can be a bit tricky. This article will take a deeper looking and help you understand: are you a judging or perceiving personality type? Let’s start with the stereotypes. Why not? In general, “Judgers” are organized, punctual, use planners effectively, more “Type A,” and have their lives together. Perceivers are easygoing, flexible, adaptable to change, and more “Type B.” Judgers have neat workstations, color-coded schedules, and a classic wardrobe. Perceivers nonchalantly throw stuff everywhere, show

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