
Entrepreneurship: An Alternate Career Choice

Original Article If you’ve recently started your own business—or if you’re thinking about it—you have a lot of company. Entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly popular career choice in today’s marketplace. While many individuals go on their own internal reasons—a passionate need to be independent, a burning desire to turn a hobby into a profession, or the love of a challenge—others have chosen the entrepreneur route in response to external situations, including layoffs, frustration with their current workplace culture, or a need for greater flexibility in their lives. Owning a business has become the twenty-first century version of the 1950s American […]

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Ten most overpaid jobs in the U.S.

> Read the Original Article on Marketwatch. Almost no one in America would admit to being overpaid, but many of us take home bloated paychecks far beyond what we deserve. “Fair compensation” is a relative term, yet HR consultants and executive headhunters agree some jobs command excessive pay that can’t be explained by labor supply-and-demand imbalances. And while it’s easy to argue chief executives, lawyers and movie stars are overpaid, reality is not that cut and dried. Corporate attorneys earn $500-plus an hour and plaintiffs lawyers pocket a third of big personal-injury settlements, but local prosecutors and public defenders get

Ten most overpaid jobs in the U.S. Read More »

ASK AMY: I am retired with a unique skills set and now want a job, where do I start?

  QUESTION:  I’d like to ask you a question! The children are getting older and I’m in the market for a retirement job. Police dispatching is so unique. (job I had for over 20 years) I’m sure I have skills that would translate into something else, but I really don’t know what.  And I really am looking forward to a day job, and am ready now to be done hearing the worst the world has to offer.  My traditional office skills are quite limited. I know basic Word, but am minimally familiar with Excel or Powerpoint or any of the

ASK AMY: I am retired with a unique skills set and now want a job, where do I start? Read More »

ASK AMY: Is it bad to be a bartender for life?

Dear Amy, The teaching market is dead for me and I am mulling over getting my Masters in Social Work but quite frankly I’ve been unhappy since getting my teaching degree and even though I enjoy school I am regretting going back and find I was happier and had more money doing “menial or blue collar” work. Is it bad to be a bartender for life? -Rocky Road in Rocky Point Dear Rocky, There isn’t anything wrong with your desire to be a bartender. What’s “wrong” may be that you’re afraid you have “settled” for a career that isn’t up

ASK AMY: Is it bad to be a bartender for life? Read More »

ASK AMY: I’m bored and tired, how can I speed up the job exploration process?

Dear Amy, I’m bored and miserable! I want to change careers (from finance to nursing possibly) but after working all day long, when I get home from work I am too tired to take the time to do job searching and personal exploration. Can I speed up the process? -Too tired in Teaneck   Dear Tired, Unfortunately… no. Like anything in life – career exploration is a process that requires your time and energy. If you try to speed it along, and choose a new career without really testing the waters, you’ll end up just where you started – bored

ASK AMY: I’m bored and tired, how can I speed up the job exploration process? Read More »

ASK AMY: How can I pursue my career passion if I don’t even know what my passion is?

Amy Bandolik is’s career expert.   Dear Amy, How can I pursue my career passion if i don’t even know what my passion is? I sit rack my brain for answers but nothing comes. -Passionless in Poughkeepsie   Dear Passionless, The worst thing you can do (which I’m sure you’ve already figured out) is to rack your brain to try to find the answers. The answers are, unfortunately, not in there. The answers are in the doing. You must experience a certain career, hobby, subject area or task to truly know if you like it. There is no way

ASK AMY: How can I pursue my career passion if I don’t even know what my passion is? Read More »

ASK AMY: But, what I really want to do is dance!

Dear Amy, I work for a major investment bank in NYC but what I really want to do is dance. I know it might sound silly, but in college I was on the dance team and I loved it (AND i was pretty good!). I also use a style of dance that is very unique to my Indian culture. I’d like to find out about becoming a backup dancer. Am I crazy? Sincerely, Coo coo in Connecticut   Dear Coo coo, You might be crazy… but that has nothing to do with your desire to be a dancer. Why would

ASK AMY: But, what I really want to do is dance! Read More »