Choosing a Career

Your choice of a career is one of the most important choices you’ll make in your life. Don’t take it lightly, and certainly don’t just follow the crowds. This category of blog posts is dedicated to helping you dive deeper and make the ideal career choice for your unique set of skills, interests, knowledge and personality.

Six careers

Six Things to Consider when Choosing Your Dream Career

I don’t think that you need me to tell you that picking the right career is very important. It is possibly one of the most important decisions you’ll ever have to make. You’ll have to do it day in, day out. And, for a very long time. If you get choosing the right career for you correct the first-time round, then you save yourself a bit of time and stress. However, with most people going through an average of 5-7 careers in their life, if you’re in the wrong career right now, don’t sweat it. What we all know, is […]

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Career Counselors vs. Career Coaches: What’s the difference, and which do you need?

For most of us, deciding what career we want to do, or changing our career path, is a big thing that requires careful thought, consideration and planning. While some of us are happy to source our help from online resources, such as blog posts like mine (I hope!), others turn to seeking professional help that will aid them in their decision making. Our satisfaction with our job or career (remember, there’s a difference) will rub off onto many other aspects of our lives, such as our satisfaction at home and our well-being. As we typically spend the rest of our

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Quarantine: 7 “New Career” Jobs You Can Train For in 6 to 12 weeks

As the time we spend on lock down appears to be getting longer and longer, some of us are fortunate enough and happy to be working from home in the jobs we already have. However, some of us are not that fortunate to still be in employment. Or, we’ve had some time to reflect and have realized that we actually hate our jobs. Regardless of in which position you find yourself in, this time is boring, frightening and for most of us, frustrating as we will feel lost or like our careers have ground to a halt. One hard thing

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How to make a career decision based on 16 personality types

I’m a Student. How Can the 16-Personality Types Model Guide My Career Direction?

Prior to entering the workforce, you may have taken a personality test (or two!) in a high school or college careers course. Chances are, the four letters can seem a bit jargon-y and perplexing at first. ENFP… ISTJ… ESFJ… what’s going on here? The four letters represent four separate dimensions of your personality traits, as part of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®). It currently stands as one of the most widely-used assessments in the workplace – from talent searches, to hiring to employee onboarding — with over 88% of the Fortune 500 using it. The four-letter type codes are not

I’m a Student. How Can the 16-Personality Types Model Guide My Career Direction? Read More »

What Makes a Dream Job? Hint: Aim for Contribution

We all want to find the ‘dream job’.  Or ‘dream career’. Spending endless hours scrolling through the internet in the desperate hope of finding a career that gets us excited to get up each morning. Something stress free. Something that unites our budding passions with a fantastic career. Something that pays us so exceptionally well that we can spend our weekends chilling out at the Hamptons. But, is it really as simple as that? Well, no… First, let’s look at a couple of myths or misconceptions about what makes for a dream job. Myth 1: “Money buys you happiness” Ah,

What Makes a Dream Job? Hint: Aim for Contribution Read More »

Job vs. Career

Job vs. Career: What’s the Difference?

The terms ‘job’ and ‘career’, as well as many other work-related terms, are often used interchangeably. Sure, they all refer to the same sort of things… How much money you’re earning, your hours, where you’re working, or your purpose. However, they actually mean different things, and understanding this can help you decide what you want to do for a living. What is a career? In short, a career is a series of connected employment opportunities that offer you skills, experience, and development and networking opportunities. In general, careers tend to be more long-term focused. More often than not, careers are

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Career Project Expert: “Are you Finding a Job or Building a Career? “

Linda Hardenstein, MPA, PCC, an experienced career strategist, teaches college students and professionals how to discover the career that matches who you really are and gives you the tools to land the job you want. “What Career Seekers Need to Know” a teleseminar this week brought up some enlightening points about finding the work that is right for you. (Contact me if you’d like a recording of it.) It brought to mind a conversation with Tom, a parent seeking advice about how his son, a college graduate, could find a job that he loves. I asked him a critical question

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Three Steps to a Successful Career Transition

By Lynn Berger This essay will focus on three basic steps that will provide you with some of my recommended tools for a smooth career transition. In today’s rapidly changing world, it seems unrealistic to expect to remain in one career throughout your life. Most people have several different careers in their lifetime. Occupational movement is inevitable because of changes in the marketplace, our lifestyles, values and desires.  So, the question is posed – “How can you achieve the most successful career transition?” The best way to solve this is to imagine you are creating and putting together the pieces

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Choosing a Career Path

By Beverly Baskin, ED.S, MA, LPC, NCCC, MCC,CPRW, over 17 years of career counseling experience Building career paths and practicing the art of personal marketing will be an invaluable tool in choosing flexible career options in the 21st Century.  In addition, becoming a generalist in one’s field, keeping a flexible outlook regarding the workplace, and taking advantage of the continuing learning opportunities will be critical to one’s survival in the workforce. Marketing Transferable Skills             A common barrier facing the recent high school or college graduate is that many times the person is not aware of his or her own

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ASK AMY: How can I pursue my career passion if I don’t even know what my passion is?

Amy Bandolik is’s career expert.   Dear Amy, How can I pursue my career passion if i don’t even know what my passion is? I sit rack my brain for answers but nothing comes. -Passionless in Poughkeepsie   Dear Passionless, The worst thing you can do (which I’m sure you’ve already figured out) is to rack your brain to try to find the answers. The answers are, unfortunately, not in there. The answers are in the doing. You must experience a certain career, hobby, subject area or task to truly know if you like it. There is no way

ASK AMY: How can I pursue my career passion if I don’t even know what my passion is? Read More »