Choosing a Career

Your choice of a career is one of the most important choices you’ll make in your life. Don’t take it lightly, and certainly don’t just follow the crowds. This category of blog posts is dedicated to helping you dive deeper and make the ideal career choice for your unique set of skills, interests, knowledge and personality.

7 Key Factors that Influence Job Satisfaction

What makes a career fulfilling? Why do people stay at certain jobs and leave others, sometimes on a whim? What are some of the key factors that influence job satisfaction? When do people work the hardest at their career, and what motivates them? Kumari (2011) et al. conducted an analysis pertaining to the factors affecting job satisfaction of employees in both the private and public sectors. They found that employee morale is the deciding factor in an organization’s efficiency. Morale is, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary: The mental and emotional condition (as of enthusiasm, confidence, or loyalty) of an individual […]

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The Strong Interest Inventory – The Ultimate Guide

The Strong Interest Inventory (SII®) is a career evaluation model that aims to help individuals identify which careers they are most well-suited for, based on the individual’s self-reported areas of interest.  Sometimes known as “RIASEC” for short, the model stands for its six overarching career themes: Realistic (R), Investigative (I), Artistic (A), Social (S), Enterprising (E), and Conventional (C)—the Holland Codes. The questionnaire typically takes 35–40 minutes to complete, and is administered and copyrighted by the Myers-Briggs Company. The model itself has undergone over 80 years of research and testing. The Strong Interest Inventory is strictly an assessment of career

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Which Career Aptitude Test Should I Take?

As we discussed in a recent post, career aptitude tests are tests that are designed to help you to identify your strengths, current skill set and, based on these, what career(s) you are most likely thrive in. They are excellent ways to help you narrow down a massive number of careers and find some that are well suited to you. So, which career aptitude test should you take? Well, in short: it depends on what you’re looking for. Firstly, it depends what you’re wanting to find. Are you looking to find multiple careers that suit your strengths? And then from

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What is a Career Aptitude Test?

Career aptitude tests are becoming increasingly more common in recent years. They have many benefits and can aid us drastically in our search for the perfect career. What is a career aptitude test? A career aptitude test is an assessment that helps you to identify your strengths, current skill set and possible careers that best match to these strengths and skills. As aptitude means “the ability to do something well”, a career aptitude test should not just identify interests but also professional positions in which the test-taker would likely excel. While career aptitude tests match the test-taker to a specific

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Taking the O*Net interest profiler

What is the O*NET Interests profiler? The O*NET interests profiler (IP) is a free online tool, designed based on Holland’s R-I-A-S-E-C codes, which aims to help us discover the type of work activities and occupations that we would find the most interesting, exciting and engaging. The IP was developed with four aims in mind: To create an instrument that reliably and accurately measures the Holland (1985a) typology. The IP measures this over six types of occupational interests, namely: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional. The IP has been found to have excellent psychometric properties, making it a reliable and

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10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Changing Careers

Changing careers can be very stressful and overwhelming. When we feel overwhelmed and stressed, it can be hard to process our thoughts correctly and think rationally. So, to help you find clarity in your decision, this post will discuss 10 questions to ask yourself before changing your career. 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before a Career Change Firstly, before ask yourself the following questions, consider this big one: Do you hate your career, or your job? The difference between a career and a job is that a career is a series of connected employment opportunities that offer you skills, experience

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The Classic Signs that it’s Time for a Career Change

There are no two ways about it: having a career can be very hard work at times. However, if it always feels like a constant battle, then maybe it is time for a career change. With the pressure of modern day life, it is actually really hard to tell what level of stress is normal and what isn’t. However, a huge 14% of all U.S. workers reported being ‘very dissatisfied’ or ‘somewhat dissatisfied’ with their jobs, according to results from the CNBC|SurveyMonkey Workplace Happiness Index. With this number worryingly high, it is more important than ever to understand the key

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How to Write a CV: 10 Steps to Success

According to Glassdoor, a job posting will get over 250 applications, each with good CVs (short for curriculum vitae) attached. Generally speaking, around four to six of the applicants will get an interview. But, of course, only one of those 250 applicants will be lucky enough to get the job. So, how do you make your CV, which is normally the first thing employers will read about you, stand out from the 249 others? 1. Tailor your CV It is so important to tailor your CV specifically to the job that you are applying for. You should not be just

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Why writing a cover letter will be the best decision you’ll ever make

We all know that writing a CV is so important in your job search. However, 53% of employers think a resume is simply just not enough to grab their attention. Therefore, you should be attaching a cover letter to your job application to ensure that you stand out from the crowd. Yet, incredibly surprisingly, only a tiny 47% of job seekers attach cover letters to their application. And all this means is that over half of you are missing out on the opportunity to really WOW employers. Tips for writing a cover letter I can speak from experience that knowing

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Should you follow your passion at work?

It’s one of the most researched and debated questions out there – should we base our career on what we’re passionate about? On one hand, many strongly advocate that if you follow your passion, the rest (e.g., fulfillment, money and success) will follow. Whereas others place their feet firmly in the notion that following your passion really is terrible advice. Side A: passion is the key to success We spend so much of our lives at work, no one can deny that it is crucial that we enjoy it. Those on this side of the debate firmly believe that if

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