Personality types
Like most construction trades, there has been no scientific exploration into exactly what personality types will make a successful pipefitter. However, the Myers Briggs personality type of ISTP, or otherwise known as ‘the craftsperson’, is likely to be a successful pipefitter. This is because these types are able to tackle problems in their immediate environment, with an innate mechanical ability and they enjoy building and fixing objects. ISTPs are typically very attentive to detail, independent, adaptable and self-directed, which are key skills for pipefitter.
Accomplishment and mastery
As pipefitters can learn advanced skills in a relatively short space of time, there is high skill accomplishment and mastery. After gaining experience in the occupation, pipefitters may then have opportunities to advance to become a supervisor or to start their own business, further increases the amount of accomplishment and mastery.
Meaning and contribution
As building cannot function without the correct pipe fittings, the work of a pipefitter is incredibly meaningful for all of us. Their work makes a huge contribution to society, by aiding the development of the buildings we use for work, play and living.
Life fit
Pipefitters can work for themselves as independent contractors, for pipe fitting companies, in a factory or industrial setting, for gas companies, or they may be employed by construction companies or builders. Regardless of where they work, they tend to work full time hours. Sometimes, they may be on call for emergencies and have to work evenings and weekends.
Who will thrive in this career?
One of the most important qualities a pipefitter can have is to be physically fit and strong, as their work is physically demanding and involves carrying heavy materials and kneeling down for long periods of time. Those who can work well as part of a team and communicate will with others are likely to thrive as pipefitter, as the work is often team focused and involves communicating with other construction workers (e.g., plumbers, welders, bricklayers) and clients. Finally, the ability to pay attention to detail is essential, as a pipefitter will have to closely follow blueprints and ensure all pipes are cut and fitted correctly.
Who will struggle in this career?
You are are likely to struggle with working as a pipefitter if you are physically unfit, as this means you won’t be able to carry the heavy material that is required for the job. Similarly, if you prefer to work alone or do less practical work, then you may struggle as a pipefitter due to the team environment and the hands-on nature of the work. Finally, those who do not want to work irregular and unpredictable hours may struggle with being a pipefitter, as they may have to be on call to answer emergencies.