
Journalist Career Guide

Journalist Career Ratings



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Job Profiles

Real-Life Journalist Job Profiles

Below is a list of links to anonymous job profiles of REAL PEOPLE who have filled out our survey and offered to share their insights with our users about their job in the Journalist field.
ID Job Title Gender Age Earnings City & State Date
32524 Journalist Female 24 $36,000 los angeles, CA 01/01/2010


The role of a journalist is to research, write, and share news with the world. Journalists sometimes conduct interviews for their stories. Typically, a journalist will specialize in one specific area. For instance, there are fashion journalists and sports journalists who cover everything going on in their respective industry. There are also photojournalists, who focus on sharing stories through photographs. Some journalist report to a camera for a television broadcast.

The exact job of each journalist can vary. Some journalists are dedicated to sharing their findings in written publications like books, newspapers, and magazines. Reporters are also a type of journalist. These individuals typically conduct their research by interviewing others or checking out an event firsthand. Their gatherings are then often presented to the public on television.

In some instances, a journalist is tasked to write about or report on a specific story. Other journalists are given more creative license to pursue a story idea of their own. As with many other careers, time and experience lead to more freedom and responsibility.

Are you someone who enjoys getting all of the facts and uncovering what is going on? Would you be interested in sharing your findings with the public? Then a career as a journalist may be right for you. Check out our career profiles below to get the inside scoop from actual journalists that we interviewed.

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