
Economist Career Guide

Economist Career Ratings



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Job Profiles

Real-Life Economist Job Profiles

Below is a list of links to anonymous job profiles of REAL PEOPLE who have filled out our survey and offered to share their insights with our users about their job in the Economist field.
ID Job Title Gender Age Earnings City & State Date
32606 Economics Assistant Female 23 $34,200 washington, DC 01/01/2010


The combined total of a country?s manufacturing, research, and commerce is contained within its economy. Economists study the way the economy evolves over time, research causes of economic activities, and build models for future economic development. If the large-scale movements of business activity fascinate you, a career as an economist might be right for you.

As an economist, you?ll spend your days working with numbers and academic papers, deriving meaning from the raw data of the real-world economy. Some economists work on the ground, gathering data from the general public and organizing the numbers to tease out trends. Others work on theoretical models, trying to determine the impact of policies, technologies, and laws. Some economists opt to work at a college or university, sharing their knowledge with students. As an economist, you can work in a wide variety of settings, but government agencies, large corporations, and universities employ most economists.

As a working economist, you can expect a comfortable lifestyle, but the educational requirements can be demanding. To become an economist, you?ll need to begin with a bachelor?s degree in economics. From there, you will further your education; some positions require a master?s degree, but most positions require at least a doctorate in addition to several years of postdoctoral study. You?ll also need to study statistics and advanced math in order to build accurate models and learn to pick out trends from the data you gather.

Read some of the career profiles we?ve gathered below to learn more details about the life of an economist. Through one-on-one interviews with actual economists, we provide you with the inside scoop on educational backgrounds, career paths, salaries, and more.

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