Careers In Oral Care

Learn more about specific careers in Oral Care

Below is a list of more specific careers in the Oral Care field. Click the links below for our detailed career guides in each specific area, complete with real-life job profiles (informational interviews) and all the details you'd want to know to learn if that career is right for you. 

About Oral Care Careers

The oral care sector is a division of the healthcare industry that focuses explicitly on looking after our teeth and gums. Examples of typical oral health care careers include as a dental hygienist, dental assistant and orthodontists.

Although dentistry has been around for many years, the recent advancement of technology means that the industry has progressed hugely in the recent years. As many people are living longer and wanting to keep their teeth till much later in their life, there is set to be an increasing demand for all types of oral healthcare professionals over the coming years.

Our teeth and smile play a huge role in our confidence, how we value ourselves and how we communicate with others. As a result, dentists play a vital role in making people feel confident. This, and the fact dentists get to meet lots of different people everyday, makes it a very rewarding career.

Other Career-Search Resources:

Not quite what you’re looking for? Check out these other ways to find the right career for you.

  • Informational Interviews – Read through interview transcripts with thousands of real-life working professionals to learn more about what think about their job and their career overall.
  • Career-Match Quiz – Take this career matching quiz to find out which careers are best-suited to your personality.
  • Take a Personality Test – Learn more about your specific personality type with this free test. Comes with a report analyzing your personality as well as a list of matching potential careers you might want to consider.