Careers In Arts & Humanities
Learn more about specific careers in Arts & Humanities
Below is a list of more specific careers in the Arts & Humanities field. Click the links below for our detailed career guides in each specific area, complete with real-life job profiles (informational interviews) and all the details you'd want to know to learn if that career is right for you.
About Arts & Humanities Careers
The arts and humanities focus on the many aspects of human society, culture and creativity. It is an industry driven by knowledge, understanding and imagination.
It is a vast and extensive industry that offers numerous different career options. Careers in the arts and humanities industry include photography, history, language, theatre, sociology, literature, geography, politics, languages, religion and art. Each of these careers teaches different skills. However, the skills learnt through studying the arts and humanities are adaptable and can be applied to a vast range of occupations.
As we will always seek to understand the past, tell new stories or capture moments, there will always be a demand for people to work in the arts and humanities field. Careers in the arts and humanities offers a wide range of both professional and personal development opportunities. Often, people who work in the arts and humanities field love their job and what they study. As a result, this makes all of the careers in the industry incredibly rewarding and satisfying.
Other Career-Search Resources:
Not quite what you’re looking for? Check out these other ways to find the right career for you.
- Informational Interviews – Read through interview transcripts with thousands of real-life working professionals to learn more about what think about their job and their career overall.
- Career-Match Quiz – Take this career matching quiz to find out which careers are best-suited to your personality.
- Take a Personality Test – Learn more about your specific personality type with this free test. Comes with a report analyzing your personality as well as a list of matching potential careers you might want to consider.