Lily Yuan

The Year of Quiet Hiring: 2023 Looks Different Already

While 2022 marked the year of quiet quitting, 2023 sees a new trend of quiet hiring. Now, what does that even mean? Internal hiring? Not exactly. External hiring? A short-term contractor strategy? Yes. New responsibilities to cover long-term leaves (without an increase in salary!) and layoffs from the previous year? Also yes. This HR trend is occuring both internally and externally. Most often, it’s having a company pile on more work for a current employee and give responsibilities outside of their job description without a raise. So, basically an internal promotion without the change in job title or salary. More […]

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Thinkific Review: Pros and Cons

So much more than just an online learning platform, Thinkific has a bustling marketplace to create and sell courses. And an option to monetize memberships. Great news: you can choose the size of your audience and who gets access to content. That opens up the option to customize membership levels. There are course templates, quizzes, assignments, certificates, communities, and live lessons available. It’s easy to get started for free and start creating or learning with various pricing plans. Thinkific members enjoy many benefits such as stellar customer service and sales pages creation. What is Thinkific? Thinkific is one of the

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LinkedIn Learning Review: Pros and Cons

With 20,000+ courses and videos that are both bite-sized and in-depth, there’s something for everyone on LinkedIn Learning.  Career professionals enjoy LinkedIn-approved certificates and full access to LinkedIn Premium. You can even kick-start a new career path! You’re in the right place if you’re still deciding whether LinkedIn Learning is worth a try! We’re here at The Career Project to answer some of the most frequently asked questions and give our personal review of one of the most popular skill-building and educational course providers. Let’s start our review. What is LinkedIn Learning? Think LinkedIn, but make it educational (and industry-tailored). LinkedIn

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The Ultimate Guide to Online Learning Platforms

It’s the 21st century, and learning happens in more than brick-and-mortar settings. At our fingertips anywhere in the world, we have unlimited access to a treasure cove of knowledge and skills. Out of all online learning platforms available, it can be challenging to choose the perfect one. The issues of cost, ease of use, certification options, credibility, and quality of instructors all factor into the selection process. Education is now accessible to all, and we are more connected all thanks to the internet. We at The Career Project can help you find the best online learning platform for you. What

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Skillshare Review: Cost? Is it worth it?

Creativity is taking over the world. And with the rapid development of artificial intelligence, it’s more important than ever to hone in on our creativity. Skillshare is your one-stop classroom with everything from copywriting to graphic design, and continues to develop fresh content everyday. It’s easy to navigate, provides a ton of insight from real-world creatives, and allows students to communicate with each other in a fun and interactive way. Best of all, you can access all courses with a yearly subscription of under $200! Let’s begin our Skillshare review. What is Skillshare? Skillshare markets itself as an online learning

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Quiet Quitting and Burnout: Work-Life Imbalance to Blame

With the state of actively disengaged employees hovering around 1.8 : 1 (in the US) as of 2022, it’s clear as day that “Quiet Quitting” is becoming a problem worldwide. Managers surprisingly experienced the greatest drop in productivity. Say goodbye to optional meetings and team-building events. Say hello to mental health challenges. Employees are burnt out, communication is stunted, and nobody wants to open Slack while eating dinner anymore. What about the next generation of employees? Less than 4 in 10 young hybrid or remote workers clearly know their daily work expectations. Many Gen Z workers will quit on the

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Return to Office? Why Employees are Quitting on the Spot

With rising inflation all around, people enjoyed ditching the commute to spend their time more efficiently. A whopping 60% would rather quit entirely than return to office for five days a week. Some employees already have numerous remote job offers lined up before their silent departure. Others are already interviewing for new jobs during work hours. The loud quitters? These are the people who drag their company on social media—through Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit—about their dealbreaking return to office mandate. By contrast, Quiet Quitters took a more passive-aggressive approach before they leave, from extended lunch breaks to ignored emails. Why

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Popular Career Fields Following the Great Resignation and the Future of Work

Aside from the hard-hitting effects of the Great Resignation, a slew of new jobs have opened up to account for its impacts on society and the economy. People see healthcare differently, and have learned unique ways to keep in touch with their loved ones and colleagues. Zoom call etiquette and unspoken rules have taken the Internet by storm, and will continue to morph according to how we define virtual work. Remote and gig work is here to stay—along with moonlighting and freelancing. Employers now have increasing options to outsource their work according to demand. Freelancers enjoy the benefit of work-from-home

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What Career Fields Are People Leaving During the Great Resignation?

According the the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. South (i.e. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia) holds the most consistently-high resignation rates during the Great Resignation. Why would this be the case? Former employees in the South reported higher levels of burnout, health concerns, and a lack of empathy-driven communication. In October 2021, a miniature strike wave dubbed as “Striketober” affected over 100,000 union workers, who felt trapped in a system of unfair renumeration and the overall lack of support. This wave is similar to

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The Great Resignation Statistics: What it is, Why its Happening

What is the “Great Resignation”? The Great Resignation, also commonly deemed as the “Big Quit,” has hit the United States at its peak during November 2021 (at 4.53 million). The highest turnover rates ever in history were seen in mid-career workers, especially those working in healthcare and technology. On the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying periods of quarantine and remote working, many people decided to quit their jobs for good. Others preferred a more flexible work schedule. Still others have boarded the job-hopping train. Hourly wages were raised on average +4.3% for people who switched jobs during

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