Alicia Schwartz

ASK AMY: How can I pursue my career passion if I don’t even know what my passion is?

Amy Bandolik is’s career expert.   Dear Amy, How can I pursue my career passion if i don’t even know what my passion is? I sit rack my brain for answers but nothing comes. -Passionless in Poughkeepsie   Dear Passionless, The worst thing you can do (which I’m sure you’ve already figured out) is to rack your brain to try to find the answers. The answers are, unfortunately, not in there. The answers are in the doing. You must experience a certain career, hobby, subject area or task to truly know if you like it. There is no way […]

ASK AMY: How can I pursue my career passion if I don’t even know what my passion is? Read More »

ASK AMY: But, what I really want to do is dance!

Dear Amy, I work for a major investment bank in NYC but what I really want to do is dance. I know it might sound silly, but in college I was on the dance team and I loved it (AND i was pretty good!). I also use a style of dance that is very unique to my Indian culture. I’d like to find out about becoming a backup dancer. Am I crazy? Sincerely, Coo coo in Connecticut   Dear Coo coo, You might be crazy… but that has nothing to do with your desire to be a dancer. Why would

ASK AMY: But, what I really want to do is dance! Read More »