Alicia Schwartz

Stressful job

CNN: Top 15 Stressful jobs that pay badly

Original article on CNN Money #1: Social worker Median pay: $43,200 % who say their job is stressful: 72% Social workers step in when everyone else steps aside to help people and families in vulnerable situations. They provide patients with education and counseling, advise care givers and make referrals for other services. And with social workers in short supply and programs underfunded, few must juggle the work of many, while reaping little reward. Just ask Heather Griffith, a social worker who works with children in intensive foster care in Boston: “You’re getting paid $12 an hour and kids are screaming […]

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Social Worker

5 Reasons to Become a School Social Worker

Looking for more information about what social workers do, how much they get paid, if they like their jobs and more?  Check out our social work career guide for a full breakdown! Careers in Social Work: School Social Worker Social work is an often thankless job, and perhaps no more so than when dealing with school-age children. Often the decisions that you have to make are in their best interest even if they would disagree. It can be emotionally draining as well as eat well into what little personal time you’ll manage to squeeze out. So why do it? Why

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Career Project Expert: “Are you Finding a Job or Building a Career? “

Linda Hardenstein, MPA, PCC, an experienced career strategist, teaches college students and professionals how to discover the career that matches who you really are and gives you the tools to land the job you want. “What Career Seekers Need to Know” a teleseminar this week brought up some enlightening points about finding the work that is right for you. (Contact me if you’d like a recording of it.) It brought to mind a conversation with Tom, a parent seeking advice about how his son, a college graduate, could find a job that he loves. I asked him a critical question

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Three Steps to a Successful Career Transition

By Lynn Berger This essay will focus on three basic steps that will provide you with some of my recommended tools for a smooth career transition. In today’s rapidly changing world, it seems unrealistic to expect to remain in one career throughout your life. Most people have several different careers in their lifetime. Occupational movement is inevitable because of changes in the marketplace, our lifestyles, values and desires.  So, the question is posed – “How can you achieve the most successful career transition?” The best way to solve this is to imagine you are creating and putting together the pieces

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Choosing a Career Path

By Beverly Baskin, ED.S, MA, LPC, NCCC, MCC,CPRW, over 17 years of career counseling experience Building career paths and practicing the art of personal marketing will be an invaluable tool in choosing flexible career options in the 21st Century.  In addition, becoming a generalist in one’s field, keeping a flexible outlook regarding the workplace, and taking advantage of the continuing learning opportunities will be critical to one’s survival in the workforce. Marketing Transferable Skills             A common barrier facing the recent high school or college graduate is that many times the person is not aware of his or her own

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Entrepreneurship: An Alternate Career Choice

Original Article If you’ve recently started your own business—or if you’re thinking about it—you have a lot of company. Entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly popular career choice in today’s marketplace. While many individuals go on their own internal reasons—a passionate need to be independent, a burning desire to turn a hobby into a profession, or the love of a challenge—others have chosen the entrepreneur route in response to external situations, including layoffs, frustration with their current workplace culture, or a need for greater flexibility in their lives. Owning a business has become the twenty-first century version of the 1950s American

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Ten most overpaid jobs in the U.S.

> Read the Original Article on Marketwatch. Almost no one in America would admit to being overpaid, but many of us take home bloated paychecks far beyond what we deserve. “Fair compensation” is a relative term, yet HR consultants and executive headhunters agree some jobs command excessive pay that can’t be explained by labor supply-and-demand imbalances. And while it’s easy to argue chief executives, lawyers and movie stars are overpaid, reality is not that cut and dried. Corporate attorneys earn $500-plus an hour and plaintiffs lawyers pocket a third of big personal-injury settlements, but local prosecutors and public defenders get

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ASK AMY: I am retired with a unique skills set and now want a job, where do I start?

  QUESTION:  I’d like to ask you a question! The children are getting older and I’m in the market for a retirement job. Police dispatching is so unique. (job I had for over 20 years) I’m sure I have skills that would translate into something else, but I really don’t know what.  And I really am looking forward to a day job, and am ready now to be done hearing the worst the world has to offer.  My traditional office skills are quite limited. I know basic Word, but am minimally familiar with Excel or Powerpoint or any of the

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ASK AMY: Is it bad to be a bartender for life?

Dear Amy, The teaching market is dead for me and I am mulling over getting my Masters in Social Work but quite frankly I’ve been unhappy since getting my teaching degree and even though I enjoy school I am regretting going back and find I was happier and had more money doing “menial or blue collar” work. Is it bad to be a bartender for life? -Rocky Road in Rocky Point Dear Rocky, There isn’t anything wrong with your desire to be a bartender. What’s “wrong” may be that you’re afraid you have “settled” for a career that isn’t up

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ASK AMY: I’m bored and tired, how can I speed up the job exploration process?

Dear Amy, I’m bored and miserable! I want to change careers (from finance to nursing possibly) but after working all day long, when I get home from work I am too tired to take the time to do job searching and personal exploration. Can I speed up the process? -Too tired in Teaneck   Dear Tired, Unfortunately… no. Like anything in life – career exploration is a process that requires your time and energy. If you try to speed it along, and choose a new career without really testing the waters, you’ll end up just where you started – bored

ASK AMY: I’m bored and tired, how can I speed up the job exploration process? Read More »