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Our Mission

To help motivated individuals identify and pursue a career path that is both meaningful and financially-viable, thus becoming better versions of themselves.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.


Our Vision

We envision a world where everyone is actively engaged in their work and fulfilled in the knowledge that they are making a positive impact for others.

Why We Exist

Recent studies show that up to 85% of employees are unengaged at work. Career-dissatisfaction can cause you to dread Monday mornings, earn less income than you should, and often results in a general lack of fulfillment in life. We’re meant for more than this… both individually and collectively.

An individual who sees meaning in their work and is eager to make an impact will change the world for the better. They will contribute new ideas, provide much-needed services, create products and find solutions to problems. They will positively impact the lives of others, and they’ll become a better version of themself in the process.

We believe there is a missing link between the educational system and the workforce, and that link is career exploration. Most students know very little about the tremendous range of career opportunities available to them. High school graduates often don’t know what sort of career they want to pursue, and as a result they may lack direction early-on, or simply follow the herd towards a college degree without a plan for that degree and without having thought through the time and financial investment they are taking on.

Our goal is to change that, to help high school and college students reach some clarity and direction in their career search. And for those already in the workforce who are considering a career change, we aim to give them practical advice on how to make a career change without sacrificing their family life or taking on insurmountable debt.

“Just a job” isn’t good enough. You deserve a career that you can be proud of – one that puts your unique skills and talents to good use and also enables you to earn a good income. Ready to find that career? Excellent. Let’s get to work.

To do more for the world than the world does for you – that is success.

Henry Ford